Bubble Sorting
August 27, 2021
Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. Algorithm pushes (bubble) smallest or largest element to the end of the list and the pass through the list is repeated until the list is sorted.
Insert Sorting
August 27, 2021
Insert sorting is a simple sorting algorithm that sorts the list one item at a time. The algorithm takes the element and compares the already sorted set. It inserts the element in its appropriate place within sorted elements.
Linear Search
August 27, 2021
Linear Search is an algorithm used to find an element position in the collection. It compares each element to the searched value consecutively and returns the position when it is found.
Max Value
August 27, 2021
Max Value algorithm finds the biggest value in the list. There are various methods to do this, and a few ways of finding the biggest element in the array is described here.
Min Value
August 27, 2021
Min Value algorithm finds the smallest value in the list. There are various methods to do this, and a few ways of finding the smallest element in the array is described here.
Shell Sorting
August 27, 2021
Shell sort, also known as Shellsort, is a simple and effective sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list and sort pair of items far apart from each other, then progressively reducing the gap between elements to be compared. By starting with far apart element, in general, it doesn’t shift a vast amount of elements as in
Bubble Sorting, which makes it more efficient